Thursday, April 7, 2011

An Air of Heaven

Inversions occur when an unmoving cold air mass sits on top of a warm air mass. This poses problems for people living in depressions where pollution is unable to disperse upward because of the inversion, or sideways due to the restrictive geography.

Valley fog forms when cold air drains down from the surrounding mountains bringing the air temperature down to the dew point.

Sea smoke forms when cold air lies over warm water.  The water evaporates into the colder dryer air above, and then the remaining cold air sucks out heat bringing the water back to its dew point.

(Because this system is unstable the plumes of fog rise through the cold air allowing us to see them in over the bushes to the left of the tree.)

The dew point is when an air parcel becomes supersaturated. When warm air carrying water vapor is cooled latent heat from the water vapor is released into the air allowing the water to condense around particulates in the air.  
(On a small scale this allows us to see our breath in winter and pretend we are dragons.)
 When this happens on a large scale over the ocean massive tropical storms develop, capable of birthing hurricanes/typhoons/cyclones,  lihtning, towering waves, and strong winds.
(Not an ideal time to go on a sailing trip…)

Arabian country’s climates are largely defined by the belt of high pressure air around 30 North of the Equator. These “horse latitudes” are characterized by clear skies, and low precipitation.

(Please don't steal people's horese... even if you are a famous actor. ^^; )

1 comment:

  1. i apologise for the overlaping photos, i reposted this thing three times and i can't figure out what is going wrong. plus, you should be clicking on each photo to get a better idea of what is going on any way. even if you don't like geology, feel free to oggle the actors ;)
